Virtual Community Day - CW2 Items for Sale

These are the items currently available for purchase as part of the Virtual Community Day & Fundraiser Event (click there for more information). You do not need to attend the event to purchase these items, with the exception of the Influence Tokens.

To purchase CW2 Items, Influence Tokens, or Bake Sale Vouchers, please click here to go to the purchase form.

| Rulebook Related | Soundtrack | IG Stories, Art, etc. | Teasers | Info Skills | Minor Magic Items | Influence on Merchant Board | Cookbook |

Rulebook Related:

Add a Quote, Example, or Reference to a Skill in the Rulebook - $10

For each one of these items, you will be able to add 1 (one) Quote, Example, or Reference to a skill or other section (with Plot Approval) to the Cottington Woods website. For example, you could add a quote from your character (or a quote from a favorite book or author!) to a Header or a Skill Name (as an example, "You Shall Not Pass!" is a quote added to the ritual skill, Greater Circle of Forbiddance). You could also have the example in a skill reference your character (or another character of your choosing). This must be approved by plot, and we will only allow 1 quote per skill, and 2 examples or references per skill. Please check with us before purchasing to make sure your desired quote and skill are available. Otherwise, there is no limit to the number of these you may purchase.

Add a Character Quote to a Header in the Rulebook - $30

For each one of these items, you will be able to add 1 (one) Quote, by your character or from a favorite book/movie/etc., to a Header in the Cottington Woods Rulebook. This must be approved by plot, and we will only allow 1 quote per header per person and only a total of 3 additional quotes per header total. Please check with us before purchasing to make sure your desired quote and skill are available. Otherwise, there is no limit to the number of these you may purchase.

Soundtrack Related Items:

Cottington Soundtrack: Staff will Select an Existing Song that Makes Them Think of Your Character - $10

You may purchase this once, though you may purchase additonal for other players. Cottington Staff will tell you a song that makes them think of your character. For everyone who purchases this, we will also compile a "Cottington Soundtrack" with links to songs that we will put on our website with a reference to the song we've chosen and your character (unless you do not wish it to be posted for all to see/share).

You could also purchase this to instead choose to give Staff an existing song for inspiration for your character and inclusion into the Soundtrack.

Cottington Soundtrack: Staff will share with you a song that they feel is thematic to an upcoming event of your choosing, in advance of the event - $15

In advance of an event of your choosing, the CW2 Plot Staff will send you a song (with or without lyrics; if with, the lyrics will also be sent) that they feel is thematic to the upcoming event / appropriate to something major occurring at the event. We will add this to an ongoing list of a "Cottington Soundtrack" with relevant songs throughout the campaign. You may purchase this more than once to request songs for more than one event, but you will only get one song per event.

In-Game Story, Song, Poem, or Artwork Related CW2 Items:

In-Game Story, Song, Poem, or Artwork - related in some way to your Character Backstory - $30

You may purchase this once. Cottington Staff will create an In-Game Story, Song, Poem, or Artwork that will be related in some way to your character's backstory. This is not necessarily about your character directly; it may be related to their past or their ancestors; to a goal of theirs; to a plot point not yet revealed; or related to a place they've lived or been, or even a folk or fairytale of the place they grew up. This is not a Plotline, nor is a guarantee of any future or related plot, but is instead an in-game artifact that will become part of the in-game lore. You may choose to specify the type of item (artwork, story, poem, song, crafted item, etc), or leave it up to staff. This will be delivered before the April 2022 event.

In-Game Story, Song, Poem, or Artwork - Chosen by Staff for You - $25

You may purchase this once. Cottington Staff will create an In-Game Story, Song, Poem, or Artwork of a subject matter that Staff chooses. This is not a Plotline, nor is a guarantee of any future or related plot, but is instead an in-game artifact that will become part of the in-game lore. You may choose to specify the type of item (story, artwork, song, crafted item, etc), or leave it up to staff. This will be delivered before the April 2022 event.

Choose a Song to Be Used In-Game - $15

You may purchase this one. Choose a favorite appropriate song (could be one you’ve written, or one you’ve filked) that you would like to be introduced in-game, subject to Plot approval. Please provide a music sheet if possible. Plot will introduce this in-game at a future event.

Personal Teasers/Vignettes

Cottington Woods Personal Prequel Vignette - $25

You may purchase this only once, though you may purchase additonal for other players. Cottington Staff will write a short vignette - a few paragraphs - giving a prequel scene of your character coming into play at the start of Cottington Woods. If you are attending the Fall One Days, you will receive it at check-in (or earlier) for the One-Day. If you are not attending till the Spring Events, you will receive it no later than check-in at your first event. Players who are coming into game with other friends may choose to EACH purchase this, but request Staff COMBINE their prequels to give a group prequel vignette instead. This will be longer than individual character vignette.

Cottington Woods Personal Event Teaser for an Event of your Choosing - $30

You may purchase this for yourself or another player (please indicate for whom). Staff will write a short teaser - a paragraph or two - giving a personal touch to the event teaser customized to your character for a future event of your choosing.

Info Skills, Letters, etc:

Active Use of Info Skill for the First Event - $25

You are normally not allowed to do an Active Use of an Info/Between Event Skill going into the first event (they are all passive). However, you may purchase this to ask a specific question with your Info Skill going into your first event. Note: you must have purchased the skill for your character going into your first event.

Send a Letter with a Guaranteed Response (Once Ever, Purchase Once) - $25

Your character will be able to send a letter between events once, with an appropriate guaranteed response (appropriate to in-game circumstances; if you write the High King of Farraway, chances are it will be one of his council or seneschal who replies instead; if the NPC is dead or missing, it might be someone related to them or in their service who replies; etc.). This can be done without paying the in-game cost for sending letters. Please inform staff when you submit your letter that you are using this ability.

Use a Passive Info Skill Actively - $25

This allows you to once ever use a passive info skill actively and ask a question. You may buy this more than once, but may only use one per event event if you have more than one passive skill. Please indicate when submitting the info skill use that you are using this ability.

Ask Two Questions with an Info Skill Use - $30

This allows you to once ever ask TWO questions with an info skill you already have for an event of your choosing. You may buy this more than once, but may only use one per event even if you have more than one info skill. Please indicate when submitting the info skill use that you are using this ability.

In-Game Snippet of Info - $25

"The winner of this item will be able to redeem this certificate for a once ever "In Game Snippet of Info" to be delivered in game for the event of your choosing.This will be an IG piece of gossip or random info your character gained, and is chosen by Plot Staff. This is "passive." You do not get to ask a question; rather, Plot will give you a piece of info, either related to something happening that event or to an ongoing campaign storyline." You may buy this more than once, but may only use one per event. Please indicate when submitting the info skill use that you are using this ability.

Minor Magic Items

Minor Magic Item - Elude Uncalled - Once An Event - $20

You will be given a minor magic item that will give you an Elude to the first uncalled weapon or packet attack that strikes you in an event. You may only purchase this once, though you could purchase to give to another player (please tell us to whom).

Minor Magic Item - 1x “2 Damage” Attack - Once An Event - $20

You will be given a minor magic item that will give you the ability to call “2 Damage” with a weapon/claws/unarmed, arrow, thrown weapon, or packet. If using a packet, both hands must be free. This works only once per event. You cannot use this while Drained. You may only purchase this once, though you could purchase to give to another player (please tell us to whom).

Minor Magic Item - 1x “"Heal by X" - Once An Event - $20

You will be given a minor magic item that will give you the ability to touch an individual with a packet, focus uninterrupted for 5 seconds, and call "Heal by X" where X is your choice of Inspiration, Magic, Craft, or Faith (please inform us of what effect you would like at time of purchase). Both hands must be free to use this item. You cannot use this skill while Drained, but may use it while Silenced. This works only once per event. You may only purchase this once, though you could purchase to give to another player (please tell us to whom).

Minor Magic Item - Stabilizing Blessing - Once Ever - $10

You will be given a minor magic item that will give you the ability, once ever, to become stable instead of going into a coma or dying at the end of the 60 second count when unstable. You may choose when to use this, but is usable once ever. This works even if you are Drained or Stricken. You may purchase this more than once, but you can only use one per event. Also, you could purchase to give to another player (please tell us to whom).

Minor Magic Item - Refresh 1 Skill Point for One Encounter, Once Ever - $15

You may purchase this up to three (3) times to increase the use up to x3, though you could purchase additional to give to another player (please tell us to whom). You will be given a minor magic item that will give you the ability to Focus uninterrupted for 30 seconds to Refresh 1 Skill Point, once ever (or 2 or 3 times ever if multiple are purchased). You may use this on another person to refresh their skill point instead but you both must Focus for 30 seconds. You cannot use this while Drained, but may use it if Silenced or Stricken. You may only activate this once an encounter, so if you buy more than one use (max 3) you cannot use it in the same encounter.

Influence and the Merchant Board

Influence Token for the Merchant Board (at the Community Day) - $5 per token

In Cottington Woods, there's a magical board known as "The Merchant Board." Tiles appear on the board indicating places, people, and forces of influence / power / importance in the Written World. Tokens may be placed on this board to indicate you wish to influence in some manner something in the world.

You may purchase Influence Tokens and place these anywhere on the board (please see the #merchant-board channel on the discord server or click here to view the merchant board as it appears for the Community Day)

What this influence does exactly is for you to discover. But for this Fundraiser Day, this influence placed will help us understand what YOU might be interested in and it will certainly influence some of the stories we tell in the first Cottington Woods even in April.


Cook Book

Cottington Woods Cook Book - TBD

Purchase a copy of the Cottington Woods Cookbook (And Survival Guide).


To purchase CW2 Items, Influence Tokens, or Bake Sale Vouchers, please click here to go to the purchase form.

Cottington Woods © Copyright 2012
Designed by Jonathan Heard