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Poll of the week

If Cottington were to run an RP One-Day Event on 2/1/2014, would you be able to attend? (Please note that a decision to run this event is based on the number of players and npcs who can attend. Please only vote "yes" if you are *certain* you will be there!)

45% (votes: 20)
25% (votes: 11)
30% (votes: 13)

Will have to squeeze baking in around coaching but I should be able to do something.
- Oenghus

Unfortunately, I am moving that weekend, so there is no way I can manage to attend.
- Violet

I have other plans that day. Sorry!
- otherwise

Too far to travel for a one-day during the school year. Sorry!
- jrumrill

Hey guys, I'm sorry to say that I have to put myself down as a maybe for the RP day. My weekends have filled up since I answered your last poll about dates. I'll need to make sure I won't have to work. Joe
- Jgouthro

As per usual, if it's a Saturday, I can make it if allowed to crash on-site over Friday night. If not, I can try to show up for the last couple of hours or so.
- OffSide7

Alas, no. Myself, Toad, and Mole will all be out of state.
- WillDeCanta

Will mostly depend on weather. If we get a good snow storm day of or day before I'll likely bail. Also need to see how well plowed the site can be so people's cars don't get stuck on the road or in the parking lot.
- KyleDarklighter

Highly likely. I need to juggle things but I can make it happen. Really a yes but only 80% sure. I heard that there will be drinks so I'm changing my answer to yes.
- Quixotic

It depends on how much prep I need to do for other events and, to some degree, who-all is coming. :) Excited about the idea, though!
- spiritchrysalis

Yes please! Andy/Brice Kline
- andy

I might need to leave early, but yeah, I'd go.
- StephenG

Celebrating my birthday that day.
- Lumric

Looking forward to it. ~Graemalkin
- theravencalls

Chris and I would attend assuming that we can find a babysitter. If we can't, then only one of us would be able to be there. Not sure who.
- Bess

Have a family event.
- Ernist

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